Partnership agreement Sining between Naha city Social Welfare Council and Nepalese Blood Donors Association,Japan. The purpose of this partnership agreement is for First Party (Naha City Social Welfare Council-那覇市社会福祉協議会)and Second party(Nepalese Blood Donors Association,Japan- ネパール献血者協会、日本) to cooperate and cooperate with each other regarding the promotion of community activities and volunteer activities in Naha City, response in the event of a disaster(like Typhoon,Earthquake) , etc. As Foreigners are increasing day by day in Okinawa it is very important agreement. Also ,there is Volunteer Insurance provided by the Naha City. We will now encourage all the Nepalese and international volunteers to get the volunteer insurance card for free.
#volunteer #blooddonor #okinawa #japan
Partnership Sining Ceremony . August 18, 2023